Peter Sørensen

1914 – 1944
Peter Bergenhammer Sørensen was the son-in-law of Marius Fiils. He married Kirstine Fiil on 25 April 1939. They had a daughter called Gudrun, known affectionately as Gulle. The family lived in a house close to the inn at Mariagervej 444, built by Marius especially for them. Peter worked at the Thor brewery in Randers, but also helped out at the inn.
When Marius formed the Hvidsten Group in March 1943, Peter and Kirstine quickly joined. Their house was often where the group met, as the inn itself was too public for illegal activities on a large scale to be conducted there. Peter and Kirstine hosted parachutists or other illegal persons the group came into contact with in their home.
Peter took part in receiving the drops of British containers at Mustard Point.
He and his wife were arrested by the Gestapo on 11 March 1944. He was sentenced to death by a military tribunal on 26 June 1944, and Kirstine received a life sentence.
Farewell letter from Peter 'Peder' Sørensen to his wife and daughter
  Hvidsten Kro  ♦  Mariagervej 450, Hvidsten  ♥  8981 Spentrup  ♣  Telefon 8647 7022