Søren Peter Kristensen

1887 – 1944
Søren Peter Kristensen married Agnes Kirstine Thomassen on 6 March 1920. Søren was a wheelwright by trade, buying his own business in Hvidsten in 1929.
He was one of the first members of the Hvidsten Group. Initially, the idea was that he would be a kind of lookout at his workshop, where he always worked late, when the group were out at the drop site. He would be able to alert Marius Fiil if the police discovered the drop site. But this precaution soon turned out to be unnecessary, and as from May, Søren took part in receiving the drops at Mustard Point.
His house was used by the group to store some of the weapons and explosives received from the British.
Søren was arrested by the Gestapo on 17 March 1944, when they made mass arrests one week after their initial visit to Hvidsten. He was sentenced to death by a military tribunal on 26 June 1944.
  Hvidsten Kro  ♦  Mariagervej 450, Hvidsten  ♥  8981 Spentrup  ♣  Telefon 8647 7022