A German military tribunal passed sentence on 26 June 1944 in the form of eight death sentences and six prison sentences ranging from life to two years youth prison. The executions took place at dawn on 29 June 1944, at the Ryvangen barracks. After liberation in 1945, their bodies were found and recovered. They were given a full funeral ceremony in Grundtvig's Church, Copenhagen, on 10 July 1945 before their ashes were taken to Hvidsten and buried in a memorial garden on 16 July.


The Hvidsten Group received seven drops of supplies, including eight parachutists and an unknown number of containers. When compared with the volume of supplies received later during the occupation, the numbers were modest, but their work represented a pioneering breakthrough.
  Hvidsten Kro  ♦  Mariagervej 450, Hvidsten  ♥  8981 Spentrup  ♣  Telefon 8647 7022